Wild Atlantic Seaweed Baths

From: 60.00

Book your 1 hour Wild Atlantic Seaweed Bath by using the calendar below.

By continuing with your reservation, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and our cancellation policy here.

€60.00 = 1 adult

*Please check your mail inbox, spam and promotion folders for order and booking confirmations.

For Larger Group Bookings or wedding enquiries, Please Email info@wildatlanticseaweedbaths.com

*There are a maximum of 4 baths / places available per time slot.

By booking you agree to our terms and conditions and our cancellation policy. Please note if cancelling, we request you send a family member or a friend or alternatively, email us via the contact page of our website letting us know you wish to cancel where if your cancelled slot is rebooked, we will refund you subject to minimum admin fee of €10 or €5 per barrel cancelled.

For more information click here

For all persons visiting Wild Atlantic Seaweed Baths or our Seafoam Sauna please note the following.

  1. All persons must bring swimming shorts or swimsuit, a towel and drinking water
  2. Please inform us 10 minutes early that you have arrived
  3. Please note we do not as of yet have changing rooms or toilets on site. Most people will get changed near their cars, our spa area or will arrive ready to go in their swimsuits. We hope to have a sheltered changing area soon. There are local Municipal Council operated toilets 2 minutes walk across the harbour and they are open until 6pm end of October
  4. Please note the experiences we provide are outdoors and Ireland can experience 4 seasons in a day
  5. In the very unlikely and rare time that we need to cancel a booking, we will contact via the email supplied at time of booking
  6. Please present your booking receipt on arrival as evidence of your reservation with us which will show total amount paid

Wild Atlantic Seaweed Baths involve bathing in hot water. If you are on any medication, are pregnant, have any pre-existing medical conditions including low or high blood pressure please be aware that you use Wild Atlantic Seaweed Baths at your own risk. I also acknowledge that immersion in hot water can lead to unconsciousness which in turn can lead to serious injury or death. If you have any doubts as to your suitability for this experience, please consult your doctor or GP before booking with us.

NB. If you are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms such as high temperature, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, a cough or are awaiting Covid-19 test results, please do not book our seaweed baths at this time.


Booking Instructions

    • By booking a slot, you agree to these terms and conditions
    • Cost per bath booked online is €60.00. If 2 or more people use the same bath an outstanding payment of €20.00 is payable in cash on arrival or as part of the booking process.
    • Cancellation Policy – Please note once a booking has been paid for and confirmed, if you wish to cancel, the first and preferred option is for the purchaser of the booking to send a family member or friend instead and if doing this, to please email us letting us know of the name change for the person who will be arriving for the booking instead. If the aforementioned is not an option, please email us letting us know that you wish to cancel your slot where we will re advertise your slot, where if rebooked, we will refund you subject to a minimum admin fee of €5 or €5 per barrel cancelled.
    • There are 4 baths available at each time offered unless already booked. To book any more than 4 baths at the same time, please book additional baths that have a starting time within half of an hour of the first four baths you have booked. For larger group bookings, please get in touch for assistance.

Thank You

Additional information

Number of persons per tub

1, 2


1, 2