Booking Instructions
- By booking a slot, you agree to these terms and conditions
- Cost per bath booked online is €60.00. If 2 or more people use the same bath an outstanding payment of €20.00 is payable in cash on arrival or as part of the booking process.
- Cancellation Policy – Please note once a booking has been paid for and confirmed, if you wish to cancel, the first and preferred option is for the purchaser of the booking to send a family member or friend instead and if doing this, to please email us letting us know of the name change for the person who will be arriving for the booking instead. If the aforementioned is not an option, please email us letting us know that you wish to cancel your slot where we will re advertise your slot, where if rebooked, we will refund you subject to a minimum admin fee of €5 or €5 per barrel cancelled.
- There are 4 baths available at each time offered unless already booked. To book any more than 4 baths at the same time, please book additional baths that have a starting time within half of an hour of the first four baths you have booked. For larger group bookings, please get in touch for assistance.
Thank You